The mission of the Accessible Education and Resource Office is to ensure that all students have equal access to LAPU programs, courses, educational materials, support resources, facilities, and events. This is accomplished by:

  • Promoting a welcoming, diverse, and inclusive educational environment.
  • Facilitating individualized, reasonable, and timely accommodations for students with documented disabilities through an interactive process.
  • Providing institution-wide advisement, consultation, and training on disability awareness and other disability-related topics.
  • Collaborating with all LAPU departments to identify and remove barriers to accessibility.
  • Providing universal and inclusive design of all educational materials.
  • Complying with legal and regulatory requirements.

We comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), Sections 504 & 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Mari Perez-Shade shares her LAPU story and how the accessibility resources have helped her accomplish her goals.


Megan Jones

Accessible Education Manager
ADA/Section 504 Coordinator

Phone: 626-495-2869
Fax: 626-200-4738

Megan Jones is the Accessible Education Manager and ADA/Section 504 Coordinator at LAPU. In this role, Megan serves the vision of LAPU by promoting an accessible educational environment that is inclusive of individuals with disabilities. In addition, Megan strives to ensure that LAPU is compliant to meet disability legal regulations. Megan is passionate about creating universal design approaches, fostering an inclusive university culture for students with disabilities, and empowering students to achieve their academic goals through self-advocacy and a growth mindset.

Accessible Content Request

Did you find something on the website or in your course materials that needs to be more accessible? Let us know about it.

Apply for Accommodations

Procedure to Request Student Disability Accommodation:

  1. Request Services: Download and complete the Academic Accommodations Application (PDF). Please note that you may need to install Acrobat Reader or another PDF reader to submit the form electronically.
  2. Provide Documentation: Documentation from a professional of the disability will be required. Documentation is preferred to be within three years. Please be sure to refer to our documentation guidelines below. Application and documentation may be submitted by email to, by fax to (626) 200-4738, or by mail to the LAPU mailing address (please specify attention to the Accessible Education & Resource Manager).
  3. Schedule Intake Appointment: Once your application and documentation are complete, you will be contacted within two business days by email or telephone to schedule an intake appointment with the Accessible Education & Resource Manager.

Documentation Guidelines

Psychological/Emotional (i.e. anxiety, depression)

Documentation must be provided by a licensed mental health professional. If medication is required, an evaluation from a psychiatrist is preferred. It is recommended that documentation be submitted in the form of a letter on official letterhead that includes the signature and license number of the professional. Documentation must be current (prefer within 3 years).

Recommended documentation includes:

A clear statement of the diagnosis, including DSM-V diagnosis and a summary of present symptoms.

  1. A clear statement of the diagnosis, including DSM-V diagnosis and a summary of present symptoms.
  2. How the symptoms are limiting the student’s functioning.
  3. Impact of medications (if any) on the student’s ability to meet the demands of the postsecondary academic and social environment.
  4. Recommendations or observations to assist in determining accommodations.

Learning Disabilities

Documentation must be a report that includes evaluation data and a summary of the disability along with accommodation recommendations. Documentation must be current (prefer within 3 years). In addition to a report, a signed letter from the evaluator should be submitted on official letterhead with a license number.

Recommended documentation includes:

  1. A clear statement of the disorder, including DSM-V diagnosis and a summary of present symptoms.
  2. A summary of the assessment procedures and evaluation instruments used to make the diagnosis, and a summary of evaluation results.
  3. Impact of medications (if any) on the student’s ability to meet the demands of the postsecondary academic and social environment.
  4. Recommendations or observations to assist in determining accommodations.

Physical Disabilities

Documentation of disability must be from a medical professional such as a physician or other medical specialist with expertise in the area of the diagnosis. Documentation must be signed and submitted on official letterhead that states your diagnosis and any limitations you are experiencing as a result of your diagnosis.

Recommended documentation includes:

  1. A clear statement of the diagnosis.
  2. How the symptoms are limiting the student’s functioning.
  3. Impact of medications (if any) on the student’s ability to meet the demands of the postsecondary academic and social environment.
  4. Recommendations or observations to assist in determining.

Grievance Process

Informal Process

If a student feels as though the accommodation they have been provided is not reasonable or has not been honored, they should contact the Accessible Education and Resource Manager as soon as possible at Timeliness is critical in resolving these concerns promptly and effectively. The Accessible Education and Resource Manager will arrange for a time to discuss the matter directly with the student and work to resolve the concern as soon as possible.

Formal Process

In the event that the informal procedure fails to resolve the problem, the student can file a grievance by indicating in writing the nature of the grievance, the evidence upon which it is based, the redress sought, and submit the document(s) by email to the Director of Student Success at The grievance procedure shall act as a vehicle for communication and decision- making between the student, staff, and faculty. Through prescribed procedures, it will provide a process through which a student-initiated grievance can be resolved internally in a timely manner.

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