Research Study Shows Single Mothers with College Degrees Much Less Likely to Live in Poverty

A study released last month by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research found that earning a degree can be especially life-changing for women raising children on their own. The study compared the rates at which single mothers with varying education levels live in poverty.

The overwhelming conclusion is that a college degree is one of the most effective pathways out of poverty. Single mothers with a bachelor’s degree were over 3 times less likely to live in poverty (13.4%) when compared to single mothers with high school diplomas (41.4%).

For more details, see the summary of the research study.


April 19, 2022

Los Angeles Pacific University is proud to announce the publishing of Faith, Life, and Learning Online by Drs. Brant Himes and John Washatka, released April 2022 by Wipf and Stock Publishers.

Faith, Life, and Learning Online is an invitation for faith-based institutions to take bold steps toward integrating a holistic mission...

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March 11, 2022

L.A. Pacific University Joins the CCCU

Los Angeles Pacific University (LAPU) has been approved as a new governing member of the Council for Christian Colleges &...

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